Monday, December 17, 2007

Items added to the collection on December 17

Here are just a few of the items recently added to the Library's collection. Feel free to browse the complete list.

Understanding the Bible
Harris, Stephen L., 1937-
BS475.3 .H32 2007

The Presbyterian experience in Egypt, 1950-2000
Lorimer, John Graham, 1924-
BV3570 .L67 2007

One-handed catch
Auch, Mary Jane.
Juv Au22on

Interdisciplinary instruction using museums
Floyd, Minuette B. (Minuette Byers).
PDK Fastback no.524

Using interactive Internet sites in teaching
Wishnietsky, Dan H.
PDK Fastback no.525

Peer tutoring do's and don'ts
Pugh, Kathryne H.
PDK Fastback no.528

Teaching K-8 literature with trade books
Potter, Rosemary Lee.
PDK Fastback no.530

Quest for truth : scientific progress and religious beliefs
Singham, Mano.
291.175 Si647q

Beyond tracking : finding success in inclusive schools
371.252 B4689

Virtual schooling : issues in the development of E-learning policy
371.358 V8199
