Friday, April 13, 2007

LexisNexis Academic (Beta): Shiny and New

It's raining betas here in the Library. Your favorite resource for all the news that's fit to be searched is getting a face lift. The LexisNexis Academic (Beta) was released at the end of March. (Note: The beta URL will only work on campus.)

What's new?
  • Simple layout
  • Check box limits that allow you broaden or narrow your sources more intuitively
  • A choice between natural language or power search using connectors
  • Contextual "How do I...?" help on the right side of the search pages
  • Result clustering that groups your results by type of information and then by source
The new LexisNexis Academic will go live around the end of June. More information about the redesign is available on the LexisNexis web site. Feel free to give it a try.
