Friday, April 20, 2007

Did you miss the April Author Talk?

Don't worry, you can still listen to our guest authors who shared their writing experiences on April 19.

Dr. Bil Kerrigan, Meredith Bowman, and Alicia Seng discuss their experiences researching the history of the creation of Salt Fork State Park. Meredith and Alicia were Muskie Fellows during the summer of 2006 and spent a lot of time in the field collecting photographs and oral histories. Their discussion is 28 minutes in length.

Gary Williams discusses his experience as a self publisher and talk about his latest book, Historic Tours of Ohio. Gary also shares anecdotes about the research and writing of his earlier books: Spies, Scoundrels and Rogues of the Ohio Frontier, Gliding to a Better Place: Profiles From Ohio's Territorial Era, and The Forts of Ohio: A Guide to Military Stockades. Gary's talk is 26 minutes in length.

As always, you can use iTunes to subscribe to the Library's podcast feed and automatically receive audio from future library events on your desktop and/or iPod.
