Thursday, October 12, 2006

Free Love AND Juvenile Justice!

Now that we have your are invited to the next Author Talk scheduled for Thursday, October 19 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Library.

Sandra Schroer, Assistant Professor of Sociology, will discuss her recent book State of "‘The Union": Marriage and Free Love in the Late 1800s. Schroer's book is part of Routledge Studies in American Popular History and Culture series. Donald Hall, who reviewed Schroer's book for Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, says that for "anyone interested in social change, personal and sexual freedom, this is a study that will provide historical information and comparison with the social change movements in these areas today."

Jennifer Trost, Visiting Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, will discuss her book Gateway to Justice: the Juvenile Court and Progressive Child Welfare in a Southern City. Trost'’s book is part of the series, Studies in the Legal History of the South, published by the University of Georgia Press.
The Juvenile Court of Memphis, founded in 1910, directed delinquent and dependent children into a variety of private charitable organizations and public correctional facilities. Drawing on the court's case files and other primary sources, Jennifer Trost explains the complex interactions between parents, children, and welfare officials in the urban South. A work of legal history animated by questions more commonly posed by social historians, Gateway to Justice will engage anyone interested in how the early welfare state shaped, and was shaped by, tensions between public standards and private practices of parenting, sexuality, and race relations.
-information provided by the publisher.
Everyone is welcome! Refreshments will be available.