Friday, October 27, 2006

New items added October 25

Below are some examples of the new titles added to the Library's collection. You can browse the complete list on our web site.

Habits of the high-tech heart : living virtuously in the information age
Schultze, Quentin J. (Quentin James), 1952-
BR115.T42 S34 2002

Future human evolution : eugenics in the twenty-first century
Glad, John.
HQ751 .G52 2006

Mandate the president and the people
DVD JK516 .M35 2006

The colors of learning : integrating the visual arts into the early childhood curriculum
Althouse, Rosemary, 1932-
LB1139.5.A78 A48 2003

Action Spanish for law enforcement : Spanish for beginners
Kane, Michael.
Quarto PC4120.P64 K36 2002

Principles & foundations of health promotion and education
Cottrell, Randall R.
RA440.5 .C685 2006

Lifetime fitness and wellness
DVD RA781 .L5 2004 disc 1-15

Poetry by heart : a child's book of poems to remember
811.54 P7527

Waiting to waltz, a childhood : poems
Rylant, Cynthia.
811.54 R983w

The practical manual : answers to questions about administering, scoring, and interpreting DIBELS
Farrell, Linda.
Curr 372.4 F2475p

DIBELS : dynamic indicators of basic early literacy skills : administration and scoring guide
Good, Roland H. III.
Curr 372.4 G597d

Dynamic indicators of basic early literacy skills
Good, Roland H.
Kit LB1525.75 .D53 kindergarten (we also have Grades 1 through 6)

Ohio Academic Libraries Now Provide 10 Million Unique Titles

This month The Ohio State University Libraries added the 10 millionth unique title to the OhioLINK Library Catalog. Of these 10 million unique titles, 58.75% are owned by only one OhioLINK member library. Muskingum College students, faculty, and staff now have access to a total of 45.5 million copies of books and other library materials. To visualize how many items that is, imagine a bookshelf that stretches from Columbus to Portland, Maine. That would be 878 miles of shelf space, just twenty miles short of the amount needed to accommodate all 45.5 million items.

Ohio students and faculty borrowed 769,000 items from other OhioLINK libraries from October 2005 through September 2006. More than 6.3 million books and other library items have been requested since Ohio academic libraries began offering online borrowing and delivery through OhioLINK in 1994.

OhioLINK has grown from its beginnings in the early 1990s as a shared statewide catalog and online borrowing system to a robust virtual library of 7.5 million scholarly journal articles, 19,000 electronic books, 2,000 digital videos and more. These items are accessible online 24 hours a day, seven days a week at and the Library's website. Use of these resources remains high. In the past 12 months, OhioLINK users have downloaded 4.9 million scholarly articles, used more than 188,000 e-books, and downloaded or streamed educational digital videos 68,415 times.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Pottery Talk by Dr. Ken McCollum on Thursday

Dr. Ken McCollum, Associate Professor of Art, will be talking about pottery on Thursday, October 26 at 11:45 a.m. in the Library. Dr. McCollum will discuss the development of the pottery industry in Muskingum County and Southeast Ohio. Everyone is invited to attend. Light refreshments will be available. For more information, please call Mary Williams at (740) 826-8017.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Charles Darwin's complete works online

The University of Cambridge has created, The Complete Works of Charles Darwin, a digital library of Darwin's writings. This digital library includes over 50,000 pages of text and 40,000 images of manuscripts and published articles. All content on the site is keyword searchable. Make sure to check out the Audio Darwin section, where you can download MP3s recordings of many of Darwin's writings (listen to the last sentence from the Origin of Species).

Did you miss the October Author Talk?

Did you miss the October Author Talk? Don't worry, you can still listen to Dr. Jennifer Trost and Dr. Sandra Schroer speak about their books and publishing experiences.

You can use iTunes to subscribe to the Library's podcast feed and automatically receive audio from future library events on your desktop and/or iPod.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Free Love AND Juvenile Justice!

Now that we have your are invited to the next Author Talk scheduled for Thursday, October 19 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Library.

Sandra Schroer, Assistant Professor of Sociology, will discuss her recent book State of "‘The Union": Marriage and Free Love in the Late 1800s. Schroer's book is part of Routledge Studies in American Popular History and Culture series. Donald Hall, who reviewed Schroer's book for Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, says that for "anyone interested in social change, personal and sexual freedom, this is a study that will provide historical information and comparison with the social change movements in these areas today."

Jennifer Trost, Visiting Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, will discuss her book Gateway to Justice: the Juvenile Court and Progressive Child Welfare in a Southern City. Trost'’s book is part of the series, Studies in the Legal History of the South, published by the University of Georgia Press.
The Juvenile Court of Memphis, founded in 1910, directed delinquent and dependent children into a variety of private charitable organizations and public correctional facilities. Drawing on the court's case files and other primary sources, Jennifer Trost explains the complex interactions between parents, children, and welfare officials in the urban South. A work of legal history animated by questions more commonly posed by social historians, Gateway to Justice will engage anyone interested in how the early welfare state shaped, and was shaped by, tensions between public standards and private practices of parenting, sexuality, and race relations.
-information provided by the publisher.
Everyone is welcome! Refreshments will be available.

Fall Break Hours

The Library will have reduced hours during Fall Break.

Friday, October 13: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday, October 14: CLOSED
Sunday, October 15: CLOSED
Monday, October 16: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Tuesday, October 17: 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Remember you can always check the Library Hours page on the web site to see when we are open.

Monday, October 09, 2006

New items added October 3

Below you will find a few examples of the new titles added to the Library's collection. You can browse the complete list on our web site.

Using and abusing the Holocaust
Langer, Lawrence L.
D804.195 .L357 2006

Buried by the Times : the Holocaust and America's most important newspaper
Leff, Laurel, 1957-
D804.7.P73 L44 2005

Trends and issues in instructional design and technology
LB1028.38 .T74 2007

Developmentally appropriate practice
DVD LB1139.25 .L66 2006

Health education teaching strategies for elementary and middle grades
Quarto LB1588.U6 H424 2006

Working with gifted English language learners
Matthews, Michael S., 1968-
LC3993 .M365 2006

'Injuns!' : Native Americans in the movies
Buscombe, Edward.
PN1995.9.I48 B87 2006

World stage design an international exhibition of set, costume, lighting & sound design
DVD-ROM PN2091.S8 W67 2005

Math games for middle school : challenges and skill-builders for students at every level
Salvadori, Mario George, 1907-
510.712 Sa385m

Knock at a star : a child's introduction to poetry
811.008 K752

One-minute academic functional assessment and interventions : "can't" do it-- or "won't" do it?
Witt, Joseph C.
Curr 371.26 W7833

Research-based methods of reading instruction, grades K-3
Vaughn, Sharon, 1952-
Curr 372.41 V4659

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Pottery and Photography on Display in October

Examples of pottery currently being produced in Southeast Ohio are on display in the Library's entry display case. "Muskingum and Perry Counties were the center of the pottery industry at the turn of the 20th century", says Mary Ellen Weingartner, owner of Ohio Pottery. She is also a docent at the National Ceramic Museum and Heritage Center. "There were 40 to 50 here at the turn of the century. It was the largest industry in Muskingum and Perry Counties." Mary says that the presence of clay and energy sources like trees, coal and later, natural gas, encouraged the industry in our region. The Muskingum River provided a natural transportation route for Ohio's pottery to the southern states. Mary and Muskingum College Freshmen Cory Marling provided pottery pieces and descriptions for the display.

The flat display case inside the Library spotlights the prize-winning photographs taken by Elane Day, Periodicals Assistant. Elane has worked in a variety of jobs at the college since 1969. She is the mother of Linda Morrow, Profession of Education. Elane enjoys photographing landscapes and members of her family.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Congratulations Sam Gebhart and Nicole Heath!

Congratulations to the winners of our Banned Book Contest!

First Place: Sam Gebhart

Sam will receive a banned book and a travel mug gift set. As her banned book, Sam has selected Where the Heart Is by Billie Letts. This book has been challenged in two schools due to violence, obscenity, and drug use.

Second Place: Nicole Heath

Nicole will receive a travel mug gift set.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the contest!

Answers to the Contest:
1. In 1933, the Nazis burned the book All Quiet on the Western Front. - True
2. Goosebumps was the 2nd most challenged book/series from 1990-2000. - False
3. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has never been banned. - False
4. Harry Potter was burned in Mexico. - True
5. No books have ever been banned in Ohio. - False
6. The Catcher in the Rye was the third most challenged book in 2005. - True
7. King Lear has been banned from many high schools. - False
8. Many books have been banned for promoting a religious viewpoint. - True
9. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was banned in China. - True
10. The Contender was challenged because “it sounds like pretty explicit stuff.” - True