Wednesday, February 01, 2006

New items added to the collection

The following titles have been added to the Library's collections. They have been added to the January 2006 new item list.

Elusive peace : Israel and the arabs
DVD DS113.7 .E487 2005

The sixties the years that shaped a generation
DVD E841 .S598 2005

Las Vegas an unconventional history
DVD F849.L35 L37 2005

Knights of the kitchen table
Scieszka, Jon.
Fic Sci1kn

Summer jobs abroad
Ref HD6270 .D5 2006

Secret history of the credit card
DVD HG3755.8.U6 S43 2004

Raising Cain
DVD HQ775 .R357 2006

The O.J. verdict
DVD KF224.S485 O19 2005

The Hobart Shakespeareans
DVD LA245.L6 H6 2005

No direction home Bob Dylan
DVD ML420.D98 N6 2005

Pioneers of primetime
DVD PN1992.2 .P56 2005

Making documentary films and reality videos : a practical guide to planning, filming, and editing documentaries of real events
Hampe, Barry.
PN1995.9.D6 H26 1997

Nova: Einstein's big idea
DVD QC73.8.C6 B63 2005

Leonardo's dream machines
DVD T40 .L46 2003