Encyclopedia of Religion (Reference Resource Spotlight)
The Encyclopedia of Religion (REF BL31 .E46 2005)is the definitive resource for researching religion, world faiths, and people and places of religious texts. The 16-volume second edition was published in 2005. The second edition contains over 500 new topics and almost 1,000 new articles. The first edition contained 2,750 articles with 1,800 articles being republished in the new edition with little change.
Volume 1 contains an alphabetical listing of the articles and also lists the authors. Volume 15 contains a synoptic outline of the contents of the previous 14 volumes. This synoptic outline identifies for you the primary and supporting articles to read for an in-depth understanding of a topic. Volume 15 also contains an extensive index for the complete set.
Articles vary in length, but all are signed and indicate if they are new to the second edition or included from the first edition. Each article also includes a bibliography for further study. Below is a listing of just a few of the articles you will find in the Encyclopedia of Religion:
- Afterlife: Islamic Concepts
- Chinese religion: An Overview
- Evolution: The controversy with creationism
- Gender and Religion: Gender and Judaism
- God in the New Testament
- Jesus
- Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity
- Rites of Passage: African Rites
- Zionism
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