Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Items added to the collection on January 23

Here are just a few of the titles recently added to the Library's collection. Feel free to browse the complete list.

How to foster creativity in all children
Mayesky, Mary.
Quarto BF723.C7 M29 2003

The making of American liberal theology: Idealism, Realism, & Modernity 1900-1950
Dorrien, Gary J.
BR525 .D57 2003

The making of American liberal theology: Crisis, Irony, and Postmodernity 1950-2005
Dorrien, Gary J.
BR525 .D57 2006

Exploring Christian spirituality : essays in honor of Sandra M. Schneiders
BV4511 .E96 2006

The Iraq Study Group report
Iraq Study Group (U.S.).
E902 .I73 2006

Building literacy in the content areas
Gunning, Thomas G.
Quarto LB1050.455 .G86 2003

A practical guide to early childhood curriculum
Eliason, Claudia Fuhriman, 1945-
LB1139.4 .E54 2003

Early literacy in preschool and kindergarten
Beaty, Janice J.
LB1140.5.L3 B43 2003

Teaching reading in today's elementary schools
Burns, Paul Clay, 1923-
LB1573 .B882 2002

Science activities for elementary students
Lorbeer, George C.
Quarto LB1585.3 .L67 2000

Musical AKAs : assumed names and sobriquets of composers, songwriters, librettists, lyricists, hymnists, and writers on music
Drone, Jeanette Marie, 1940-
Ref ML105 .D76 2007


Sunday, January 21, 2007

EJC Tips and Tricks

Did you know that the Electronic Journal Center (a.k.a. EJC) provides access to over 6,900 titles? Here are some tips to help you get the most out of the EJC.

Phrase Searching
The EJC searches for articles like Google searches for web sites. It looks for all of the words you type in and then shows you the articles that are most relevant. You can improve your results by putting phrases in "quotes" and linking concepts together with AND (to narrow), OR (to broaden), or NOT (to exclude). Example: global warming coal finds 138,598 articles while "global warming" AND coal finds 102 articles.

Advanced Searching
Click on the All Search Options link under the search box to limit your search to specific discipline area or date range. You can also change sort options and number of articles displayed in your results set. Example: You want to find articles about using problem based learning in the classroom. Searching for "problem based learning" without setting limits finds 716 articles while searching for "problem based learning" limited to the Social Sciences collection finds 215 articles.

Citation Formatting
Get a citation for your paper in APA, Chicago or MLA style automatically. Select the correct citation style under the journal's cover image and then click on the Go button under Format/export as.

Create a My EJC account if you don't already have one. This will allow you to be notified when new issues of journals you are interested in are available, build an electronic binder of articles you find and want to keep, and save searches to run periodically to look for new research.

My Journals
You can be notified by email or by RSS feed reader (e.g. Bloglines or Google Reader) when new issues of a journal are added to the EJC. Log into your My EJC account. Search or browse for the title of a journal. On the journal's holdings page, click on the Add to my Journals link under the journal's cover image. You will be taken to the My Journals page where you have the option to turn on (or off) email notification and/or subscribe to the RSS feed for updates. You can remove a journal from the My Journals page by clicking on the Remove link.

My Articles
You can build an electronic binder of articles you find while searching the EJC. Make sure you are logged into your My EJC account before you start searching. When you find an article you would like to save, click on the Add to My Articles link under the journal's cover image. You will be taken to the My Articles page where you can see all of the articles you have saved. You can sort your articles by author, journal title, year published, or date added to your article collection. You can remove an article by clicking on the Remove link.

My Searches
You can save your searches and have them automatically be run and notified on a regular basis. Log into your My EJC account and search for your topic using the phrase and advanced searching tips from above. Click on the Add to My Searches button. Type in a name for your search or accept the auto generated name. Decide if you want the search to notify you by email, RSS feed, or if you want to manually run the search yourself in the future. You will be taken to your My Searches page where you can see the searches you have saved and when they were last run. You can run a saved search at anytime by clicking on its name. You can also edit the name of your saved searches, change how you are notified and delete saved searches on this page.

As always, if you have any questions feel free to contact us. We're here to help you!

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Send instant messages without downloading software

Did you know that you don't have to download the AOL, Yahoo, or MSN instant message client to lab computers when you want to chat with friends? You can use a web based service like Meebo or Kool IM.

Remember, you can send us an instant message too. Our nickname is askmclibrary. You can check to see if we are on by looking at the graphic on the Ask-a-Librarian page. Hint: Click the browser refresh button if the Available or Not Available graphic doesn't display the first time.

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Monday, January 15, 2007

Laser printer is back on the job

The laser printer has been fixed. Thank you for your patience.

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Laser Printer Out of Service

The laser printer in the Library is temporarily out of service. The technician has ordered a part, but it will not be here until early next week. Please consider using other computer labs on campus for your printing needs for the next few days. We are sorry for this inconvenience.

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