Thursday, April 27, 2006

Library hours during Finals Week

Looking for a quite place to study during finals? There are quiet study areas on the upper and lower floors of the building. We will be open the following hours during finals:

Thursday, April 27 - 8 a.m. to 12 Midnight
Friday, April 28 - 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday, April 29 - 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday, April 30 - 1 p.m. to 12 Midnight
Monday, May 1 - 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Tuesday, May 2 - 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Wednesday, May 3 - 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Thursday, May 4 - 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday, May 5 - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday, May 6 - CLOSED
Sunday, May 7 - CLOSED

Thursday, April 20, 2006

All Library Items Borrowed by Undergraduate Students are Due April 26

Just a friendly reminder that ALL items borrowed by undergraduate students from Muskingum College Library, OPAL or OhioLINK are due by 11:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 26, 2006. Replacement charges for all items not returned by 11:00 p.m. and unpaid fines will be billed to your account in the Business Office.

If you need to use a library item beyond the due date of April 26th, you may request an extension no later than 5:00pm on Wednesday, April 26, 2006. To request an extension, contact Zelda Patterson, Library Circulation Supervisor at 826-8156 or by sending email to Due dates will not be extended after 5:00pm on April 26, 2006.

Non-returned library items will be billed at the following pre-established rate of:
  • OPAL and OhioLINK items will be billed at the rate of $125.00 for each borrowed item.
  • Muskingum College Library items will be billed at the rate of $100.00 each.
For a detailed explanation of charges, please read our Circulation Policy.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

New items added to the collection on April 18

Below you will find a few of the new titles added to the Library's collection on April 18. You can view the complete list of new items on our web site.

The handbook of attitudes
BF327 .H36 2005

Commentary on the Apocalypse
Oecumenius, Bishop of Tricca.
BR60 .F28 v.112

Onward Christian soldiers? : the religious right in American politics
Wilcox, Clyde, 1953-
BR526 .W53 2006

Old Testament pseudepigrapha
BS1830 .A3 1983 v.2

A concise history of the Third Reich
Benz, Wolfgang.
DD256.5 .B38313 2006

Ella Baker and the Black freedom movement : a radical democratic vision
Ransby, Barbara.
E185.97.B214 R36 2003

A history of Chile, 1808-2002
Collier, Simon.
F3093 .C65 2004

Watershed models
Singh, V. P. (Vijay P.).
GB980 .S626 2006

The Wal-Mart effect : how the world's most powerful company really works, and how it's transforming the American economy
Fishman, Charles, 1961-
HF5429.215.U6 F57 2006

American voter turnout : an institutional perspective
Hill, David Lee.
JK1967 .H545 2006

Republican women : feminism and conservatism from suffrage through the rise of the new right
Rymph, Catherine E.
JK2356 .R96 2006

Integrating educational technology into teaching
Roblyer, M. D.
Quarto LB1028.3 .R595 2006

Teaching social studies that matters : curriculum for active learning
Thornton, Stephen J.
LB1584 .T47 2005

Cecilia Beaux : a modern painter in the gilded age
Carter, Alice A.
ND237.B33 C37 2005

Queer cowboys : and other erotic male friendships in nineteenth-century American literature
Packard, Chris.
PS217.H65 P33 2005

Babyji : a novel
Dawesar, Abha.
PS3554.A9423 B33 2005

Continent-ocean interactions within East Asian marginal seas
Quarto QE350.42.N65 C66 2004

Sienna's scrapbook : our African-American heritage trip
Parker, Toni Trent.
Juv P2289s

Looking for Alaska : a novel
Green, John, 1977-
Juv G8234

My name is Celia : the life of Celia Cruz = Me llamo Celia : la vida de Celia Cruz
Brown, Monica, 1969-
782.4216 B8143m

As long as the rivers flow : the stories of nine Native Americans
Allen, Paula Gunn.
920 Al542a

Monday, April 17, 2006

Author Talk this Thursday, April 20 at 3:30 p.m.

Please plan on attending the last Author Talk of the academic year on Thursday, April 20 at 3:30 p.m. in the Library. Associate Professor of English Dr. Andre' DeCuir and Associate Professor of Philosophy Dr. Todd Lekan will be speaking about their writing experiences.

Dr. DeCuir will discuss two plays he has written. Vecchio's Last Painting was submitted to a contest for one-acts for teen actors. Heirlooms was written for a contest in which the plays could be no longer than a page and are performed in an airport.

Dr. Lekan is the author of Making Morality : Pragmatist Reconstruction in Ethical Theory, published in 2003. "Drawing on the work of John Dewey, Lekan asserts that moral norms are neither timeless truths nor subjective whims, but habits transmitted through practices," from an unattributed review.

There will be time to ask each author questions and refreshments will be served.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Easter Break Hours: April 12 to April 16

The Library will observe the following reduced hours for Easter Break.

Wednesday, April 12 - 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Thursday, April 13 - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday, April 14 - CLOSED
Saturday, April 15 - CLOSED
Sunday, April 16 - CLOSED

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

New items added to the collection in April

Below you will find a few of the new titles added to the Library's collection in April. You can view the complete list of new items on our web site.

Practical ethics for psychologists : a positive approach
Knapp, Samuel.
BF76.4 .K64 2006

Pillars of faith : American congregations and their partners
Ammerman, Nancy Tatom, 1950-
BL2525 .A563 2005

Environmental sociology : from analysis to action
GE195 .E588 2005

Young femininity : girlhood, power and social change
Aapola, Sinikka.
HQ777 .A23 2005

From Panthers to Promise Keepers : rethinking the men's movement
Newton, Judith Lowder.
HQ1090.3 .N493 2005

Islamic masculinities
HQ1090.7.I79 I85 2006

Integrating inquiry across the curriculum
LB1027.23 .I58 2005

Your first year as an elementary school teacher : making the transition from total novice to a successful professional
Rominger, Lynne.
LB1555 .R65 2001b

The reading specialist : leadership for the classroom, school, and community
Bean, Rita M.
LB2844.1.R4 B43 2004

Best classroom management practices for reaching all learners : what award-winning classroom teachers do
LB3011 .B53 2005

Teaching and learning in two languages : bilingualism & schooling in the United States
GarcĂ­a, Eugene E., 1946-
LC3731 .G35 2005

Teaching the gifted in an inclusion classroom : activities that work
LC3993.2 .C35 2005b

Handbook of research in emotional and behavioral disorders
LC4801 .H35 2004

Handbook of research and policy in art education
N103 .H36 2004

Molecular physics : theoretical principles and experimental methods
QC173.D44 M6 2005

Understanding NMR spectroscopy
QD96.N8 K44 2005

Juvenile Books

Al Capone does my shirts
Choldenko, Gennifer, 1957-
Fic C453a

Geography Club
Hartinger, Brent.
Fic H254g

Criss cross
Perkins, Lynne Rae.
Fic P4196c

Giovanni, Nikki.
323.092 G439r

Maritcha : a nineteenth-century American girl
Bolden, Tonya.
974.71 B6376m

Monday, April 03, 2006

Soviet era items on display in April

Retired professor emeritus Taylor Stults is offering a glimpse into the Cold War era. The Library's display cases are full of many military and civilian items from the former Soviet Union including:
  • a medal commemorating Yuri Gagarin's first manned space flight,
  • communist party registration documents,
  • Russian Life, an English-language magazine meant to give a good spin on communism to Americans, and
  • a Russian Pepsi bottle.
Dr. Stults authored The Course of Russian History (with co-author Melvin Wren) and Fifty Major Documents of the Twentieth Century: 1950-2000. He taught Russian and Soviet Union history courses while at Muskingum from 1962-2001.